In case you haven’t noticed I hold a .ca domain name. I am a very proud Canadian girl!
Today in celebration of being Canadain, I want to tell you all of the reasons I love Canada, and if you haven’t been, why you should really come and visit!
1. Be who you want to be, not matter who you are.
You can be who ever you want to be, and no one can persecute you.
2. Education for all
Out education system is free for everyone, yes there are school fees, and yes university does cost, but our basic go to school to get a high-school diploma, or go back to school to update when you’re 30, or get your diploma when you’re 50? Free.
3. Health Care
If you walk into any hospital, any clinic you will  be treated –for free–. You get the best treatment possible, if you make $8.50 an hour, or 8 million a year. Do you have to wait? Sometimes yes. If you you *need* it now, you get it now.  Our system is based off of worse case first, not who has the most money.
4. True equality.
In Canada we have the Charter of rights and freedoms. Â You have the right to be who you are, the right to which religion and the right to who you want to love. Â You have the legal right to marry -who- you want. You can do -what- you want. It’s amazing and very few other countries in the world can claim this.
Just a few reasons why I love living in Canada. There are so many more!
I hope everyone has a great Canada Day/Fourth of July weekend! Stay safe and don’t forget every comment on my blog from June 25th to July 26th at midnight enters you into win one of TWO prizes!!